west sound high school all star game
The Sports Beyond Senior All-Star Basketball Games are to recognize the senior players from the boys and girls basketball teams from the West Sound (Kitsap Peninsula). We ask head coaches to nominate up to 4 seniors from their team. Players are then selected as participants or alternates by the Sports Beyond advisory committee.
The event is two-fold. Participants and alternates attend a practice and have the opportunity to qualify for the Hot Shot Shooting and 3 Point Shooting competitions. Six finalists from each competition compete for a trophy prior to their game. 250 – 300 parents, friends, coaches and college coaches come out to support their players. Players enjoy participating with their peers in a festive environment, some for the last time in their high school careers.
Event Information
Date: March 15, 2025 (tentative)
Location: Klahowya Secondary School
- 5:30 - Girls Competitions
- 6:00 - Girls All Star Game
- 7:00 - Boys Competitions
- 7:30 - Boys All Star Game
- Adults - $10
- Students (under 18) - Free
coach & player information
Coaches complete the form below to nominate your senior players to compete in the All Star game.
Players will receive an email or phone call and can accept their nomination by completing the following form.